Grief Toolbox

The reality is that you will grieve forever.
You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one;
you will learn to live with it.
You will heal and you will rebuild yourself
around the loss you have suffered.
You will be whole again but you
will never be the same.
Nor should you be the same
nor would you want to.”
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Lap of Love is passionate network of nationwide veterinarians dedicated to end-of-life care including pet euthanasia and hospice care. To find a veterinarian near you, or to learn more about their organization, please click here.

EUTHABAG is a pet body bag specially designed to preserve the dignity of pets after their passing. EUTHABAG is dignified, practical, leakproof, affordable, elegant and it contains recycled material. Pets have always had a special place in our lives and we want to honor that unique bond. EUTHABAG helps to have a ritual and peace of mind. Their founder, a veterinarian, could not stand to use a plastic bag to place her deceased patients in. She created a solution to honor the human animal bond that is so dear to her. To learn more, please visit their website.

P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna
Written by Sarah Chauncey 
Illustrated by Francis Tremblay 

The first illustrated gift book for adults grieving the loss of an animal friend,

14 Best Children’s Books for Loss of Pet
Article written by Carolina

Over 5o+ Pet Loss Articles
Article written by Grief Healing Blog

Rainbow Bridge Connection Podcast
A podcast for “anyone who has ever lost a companion animal or is looking for an animal based community. We will discuss our personal experiences, listeners experiences as well as the perspectives from animal related causes, businesses and non-profits.”
Pet loss support page, hotlines, resources, free handouts and information
Network of Veterinarians across the US who offer veterinary hospice, in-home euthanasia, cremation & aftercare, teleadvice, pet loss support

Virtual Calming Room

Grief Worksheets
Free worksheets to process grief

Fifty Pet Loss Grief Journal Prompts
By the Ralph Site Blog

Grief Support Writing: How to Write and Share Your Story of Pet Loss
By the

9 Art Therapy Ideas for Grieving Pet Parents
By the ImpurrfectLife